The Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation Incubator

The Apache Incubator Cookbook - podlings.xml

The podlings.xml file is the master record for the status of Incubator podlings. This page will define different podlings by example. Once a podling is defined in podlings.xml there are two ways to edit its record.


This is the state of an active podling undergoing incubation.

    <podling name="Crail" status="current" resource="crail" sponsor="Incubator" startdate="2017-11-01">
        <description>Crail is a storage platform for sharing performance critical data in distributed data processing jobs at very high speed.</description>
        <reporting group="3"/>
        <champion availid="lresende">Luciano Resende</champion>
            <mentor username="jhyde">Julian Hyde</mentor>
            <mentor username="lresende">Luciano Resende</mentor>

New reporting monthly

This is a new podling that is reporting monthly. When a mentor creates the podling entry in podlings.xml this is the desired state. Note that the reporting group will vary according the the month started.

    <podling name="DataSketches" status="current" resource="datasketches" sponsor="Incubator" startdate="2019-03-30">
        <description>DataSketches is an open source, high-performance library of stochastic streaming algorithms commonly called "sketches" in the data sciences. Sketches are small, stateful programs that process massive data as a stream and can provide approximate answers, with mathematical guarantees, to computationally difficult queries orders-of-magnitude faster than traditional, exact methods.</description>
        <reporting group="2" monthly="true">May, June, July</reporting>
        <champion availid="jbonofre">Jean-Baptiste Onofré</champion>
            <mentor username="chenliang613">Liang Chen</mentor>
            <mentor username="kenn">Kenneth Knowles</mentor>
            <mentor username="kamaci">Furkan Kamaci</mentor>

Graduated as an Apache TLP

This is a podling that graduated to a TLP in the usual way.

    <podling name="CXF" status="graduated" resource="cxf" sponsor="Incubator" startdate="2006-08-15" enddate="2008-04-16">
        <description>The CXF project will create a SOA services framework by merges the ObjectWeb Celtix project and the Codehaus XFire project.</description>
        <resolution tlp="true"/>
            <mentor username="jim">Jim Jagielski</mentor>
            <mentor username="jstrachan">James Strachan</mentor>

Graduated into the PMC that sponsored it

Occasionally a PMC other than the Incubator will sponsor incubation. In that case (and others) the podling graduates as a sub-project into an existing PMC.

    <podling name="Derby" status="graduated" resource="derby" sponsor="DB" startdate="2004-08-15" enddate="2005-07-18">
        <description>Java relational database</description>
        <resolution link="DB Derby" url=""/>
            <mentor username="coar">Ken Coar</mentor>

Graduated as an Apache TLP with a name change

Sometimes a project will graduate and change their name as they become a TLP

    <podling name="" status="graduated" resource="openofficeorg" resourceAliases="ooo" sponsor="Incubator" startdate="2011-06-13" enddate="2012-10-17">
        <description> is comprised of six personal productivity applications: a word processor (and its web-authoring component), spreadsheet, presentation graphics, drawing, equation editor, and database.</description>
        <resolution link="OpenOffice" url=""/>
            <mentor username="jim">Jim Jagielski</mentor>
            <mentor username="rubys">Sam Ruby</mentor>
            <mentor username="danese">Danese Cooper</mentor>
            <mentor username="curcuru">Shane Curcuru</mentor>
            <mentor username="noirin">Noirin Plunkett</mentor>
            <mentor username="joes">Joe Schaefer</mentor>
            <mentor username="grobmeier">Christian Grobmeier</mentor>
            <mentor username="rgardler">Ross Gardler</mentor>


When a podling retires it will often mean that there is no longer a community.

    <podling name="Provisionr" status="retired" resource="provisionr" sponsor="Incubator" startdate="2013-03-07" enddate="2013-11-22">
        <description>Provisionr provides a service to manage pools of virtual machines on multiple clouds.</description>
        <resolution>Failed to grow a community. Retired at request of PPMC.</resolution>
        <champion availid="tomwhite">Tom White</champion>
            <mentor username="rvs">Roman Shaposhnik</mentor>
            <mentor username="tomwhite">Tom White</mentor>
            <mentor username="mnour">Mohammad Nour El-Din</mentor>

Retired and moved development

Sometimes a project community will decide that the Apache Software Foundation is not for them and they will move development elsewhere.

    <podling name="Heraldry" status="retired" resource="heraldry" sponsor="Incubator" startdate="2005-07-14" enddate="2007-06-09">
        <description>Identity for the rest of us.</description>
        <resolution link="" url="">Project retired. Some activity moved to</resolution>
            <mentor username="ben">Ben Laurie</mentor>
            <mentor username="pquerna">Paul Querna</mentor>
            <mentor username="twl">Ted Leung</mentor>
            <mentor username="farra">J. Aaron Farr</mentor>
            <mentor username="wrowe">William Rowe</mentor>