StreamPark is a streaming application development platform.
Resources: streampark
Started: 2022-09-01; Last Status Update: 2024-07-10
Reporting: February, May, August, November
Committers: 22
PPMC members: 14
Mentors: tison (tison), Willem Ning Jiang (ningjiang), Stephan Ewen (sewen), Thomas Weise (thw), Duo Zhang (zhangduo)
2024-05-14 Release 2.1.4. RM=Shaokang Lv
2024-03-19 Release 2.1.3. RM=Qingrong Wang
2024-01-16 New Committer: Chao Zhang.
2024-01-13 New Committer: Cancai Cai.
2023-12-11 Release 2.1.2. RM=Zhongqiang Gong
2023-06-30 Release 2.1.1. RM=Chunjin Mu
2023-06-28 New Committer: Yuepeng Pan.
2023-06-27 New PPMC Member: Chunjin Mu.
2023-06-26 New PPMC Member: Sizhu Wang.
2023-06-26 New Committer: Zhongqiang Gong.
2023-06-26 New Committer: Li Zhou.
2023-05-11 Release 2.1.0. RM=Chunjin Mu
2023-02-21 Release 2.0.0 (the first apache incubating release). RM=Huajie Wang
2022-12-10 New Committer: Chunjin Mu.
2022-10-24 New Committer: Rui Fan.
2022-10-24 New Committer: Sizhu Wang.
2022-09-01 Project enters incubation.
Developer mailing list:
Commits mailing list:
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