The Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation Incubator

Geode Project Incubation Status

This page tracks the project status, incubator-wise. For more general project status, look on the project website.


The Geode project graduated on 2016-11-16


Geode is a data management platform that provides real-time, consistent access to data-intensive applications throughout widely distributed cloud architectures.


  • 2015-04-27 Project enters incubation.
  • 2015-06-15 project fully transitions to asf infrastructure.
  • 2015-12-01 JGroups (GEODE-77) got resolved finally getting rid of LGPL dependency and allowing our first release!
  • 2015-01-19 Software Grant Agreement (SGA) from Pivotal for Apache Geode (incubating) WAN and CQ.
  • 2015-01-26 Jinmei Liao elected as a new committer and PPMC member.
  • 2016-02-06 Apache Geode 1.0.0-incubating.M1 release.
  • 2015-02-19 Sai Boorlagadda elected as a new committer and PPMC member.
  • 2015-03-07 Nitin Lamba elected as a new committer and PPMC member.
  • 2015-03-30 Dave Barnes elected as a new committer and PPMC member.
  • 2016-04-22 Apache Geode 1.0.0-incubating.M2 release.
  • 2015-05-19 Software Grant Agreement (SGA) from Pivotal for Apache Geode (incubating) C++ and .NET Native code.
  • 2015-05-31 Nabarun Nag elected as a new committer and PPMC member.
  • 2015-07-18 Karen Miller elected as a new committer and PPMC member.
  • 2015-08-11 William A Rowe resigned as a mentor.
  • 2016-08-23 Apache Geode 1.0.0-incubating.M3 release.
  • 2015-09-29 Software Grant Agreement (SGA) from Pivotal for Apache Geode (incubating) documentation.
  • 2016-10-25 Apache Geode 1.0.0-incubating release.
  • 2016-10-25 Apache Geode graduation discussion started.
  • 2016-11-16 Apache Geode graduation resolution passed by ASF Board

Project info

If the project website and code repository are not yet setup, use the following table:

item type reference
Website www
Dashboard dash
. wiki
Mailing list dev
. commits
. user
. issues
. private
Bug tracking .
Source code GIT
. GitHub mirror
. Website content and docs
Mentors cos Konstantin Boudnik
. chipchilders Chip Childers
. jerenkrantz Justin Erenkrantz
. mattmann Chris Mattmann
. rvs Roman Shaposhnik
Committers cos Konstantin Boudnik
. chipchilders Chip Childers
. jerenkrantz Justin Erenkrantz
. jani Jan Iversen
. mattmann Chris Mattmann
. wrowe William A. Rowe Jr.
. rvs Roman Shaposhnik
. agingade Anilkumar Gingade
. Adongre Avinash Dongre
. boglesby Barrett Oglesby
. bschuchardt Bruce J Schuchardt
. kishorbachhav Kishor Pundlik Bachhav
. gregchase Gregory Chase
. shirish Shirish Sharad Deshmukh
. abarve Amey Barve
. ashetkar Amogh Shetkar
. agingade Anilkumar Gingade
. abaker Anthony Baker
. ashvin Ashvin Agrawal
. breser Ben Reser
. cjgeode Catherine Johnson
. tzolov Christian Tzolov
. upthewaterspout Dan Smith
. dschneider Darrel Schneider
. yozie David Yozie
. dixie Dick Cavender
. ezulich Edin Zulich
. eshu11 Eric Shu
. gideonlow Gideon Low
. hbhanawat Hemant Bhanawat
. hsaputra Henry Saputra
. hiteshkhamesra Hitesh Khamesra
. jbarrett Jacob Barrett
. jagsr123 Jags Ramnarayan
. jasonhuynh Jason Huynh
. jensdeppe Jens Deppe
. jchen21 Jianxia Chen
. jxblum John Blum
. klund Kirk Lund
. leasttorque Lise Storc
. lukeshannon Luke Shannon
. ladams Lyndon Adams
. lgallinat Lynn Gallinat
. ladyvader Lynn Hughes-Godfrey
. mbretl Mark Bretl
. schubert Michael Schubert
. nthanvi Namrata Thanvi
. kneeraj Neeraj Kumar
. npatel Nilkanth Patel
. qihong Qihong Chen
. rdiyewar Rahul Diyewar
. wrmay Randy May
. sagarwal Sonal Agarwal
. smaldini Stephane Maldini
. pidster Stuart Williams
. sjigyasu Sunil Jigyasu
. suranjan Suranjan Kumar
. sbhokare Suyog Bhokare
. sbawaskar Swapnil Bawaskar
. tushark Tushar Khairnar
. udo Udo Kohlmeyer
. vford13 Vince Ford
. vivekwiz Vivek Bhaskar
. weswilliams Wes Williams
. markito William Markito
. wschipp Will Schipp
. zhouxj Xiaojian Zhou
. ymahajan Yogesh Mahajan
. jinmeiliao Jinmei Liao
. sai_boorlagadda Sai Boorlagadda
. nlamba Nitin Lamba
. dbarnes Dave Barnes
nnag ymahajan Nabarun Nag
kmiller ymahajan Karen Miller

Incubation status reports

Incubation work items

Project Setup

This is the first phase on incubation, needed to start the project at Apache.

Item assignment is shown by the Apache id. Completed tasks are shown by the completion date (YYYY-MM-dd).

Identify the project to be incubated

date item
2015-04-27 Make sure that the requested project name does not already exist. Please follow the guide to ensure a suitable project/product name.


date item
2015-04-27 Ask infrastructure to create source repository modules and grant the committers karma. Tracking via INFRA-9536
2015-04-27 Ask infrastructure to set up and archive mailing lists.
2015-04-27 Ask infrastructure to set up issue tracker (JIRA).
2015-04-27 Ask infrastructure to set up wiki (Confluence).
2015-04-27 Ask infrastructure to set up svn pubsub website.
2015-06-15 Migrate the project to our infrastructure.

Mentor-related responsibility/oversight

date item
2015-04-27 Subscribe all Mentors on the pmc and general lists.
2015-06-15 Give all Mentors access to the incubator SVN repository. (to be done by the Incubator PMC chair or an Incubator PMC Member wih karma for the authorizations file)
2015-06-15 Tell Mentors to track progress in the file 'incubator/projects/{}.html'
date item
2015-06-15 Check and make sure that the papers that transfer rights to the ASF been received. It is only necessary to transfer rights for the package, the core code, and any new code produced by the project.
2015-12-15 Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been updated to reflect the new ASF copyright.

Verify distribution rights

date item
2015-12-15 Check and make sure that for all code included with the distribution that is not under the Apache license, we have the right to combine with Apache-licensed code and redistribute.
2015-12-15 Check and make sure that all source code distributed by the project is covered by one or more of the following approved licenses: Apache, BSD, Artistic, MIT/X, MIT/W3C, MPL 1.1, or something with essentially the same terms.
2015-12-15 The Apache RAT check was added to check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been updated to reflect the new ASF copyright.

Establish a list of active committers

date item
2015-12-15 Check that all active committers have submitted a contributors agreement.
2015-12-15 Add all active committers in the podling description file.
2015-12-15 Ask root for the creation of committers' accounts on

Project specific

Add project specific tasks here.


These action items have to be checked for during the whole incubation process.

These items are not to be signed as done during incubation, as they may change during incubation. They are to be looked into and described in the status reports and completed in the request for incubation signoff.

Collaborative Development

  • Have all of the active long-term volunteers been identified and acknowledged as committers on the project?
  • Are there three or more independent committers? (The legal definition of independent is long and boring, but basically it means that there is no binding relationship between the individuals, such as a shared employer, that is capable of overriding their free will as individuals, directly or indirectly.)
  • Are project decisions being made in public by the committers?
  • Are the decision-making guidelines published and agreed to by all of the committers?

Licensing awareness

  • Are all licensing, trademark, credit issues being taken care of and acknowleged by all committers?

Project Specific

Add project specific tasks here.


Things to check for before voting the project out.

Organizational acceptance of responsibility for the project

  • If graduating to an existing PMC, has the PMC voted to accept it?
  • If graduating to a new PMC, has the board voted to accept it?

Incubator sign-off

  • Has the Incubator decided that the project has accomplished all of the above tasks?