The Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation Incubator

Apache Gluten (Incubating)

Gluten is a middle layer responsible for offloading JVM-based SQL engines' execution to native engines.

  • Resources: gluten

  • Started: 2024-01-11; Last Status Update: 2024-01-15

  • Reporting: January, April, July, October

  • Committers: 28

  • All Committers are PPMC members

  • Mentors: Yu Li (liyu), Wenli Zhang (ovilia), Kent Yao (yao), Shaofeng Shi (shaofengshi), Felix Cheung (felixcheung)


  • 2023-12-15 Project enters incubation.


Project Website


1: incubator-gluten

| Gitbox | Github | Gluten is a middle layer responsible for offloading JVM-based…​ — Updated: 04/26/2024

2: incubator-gluten-site

| Gitbox | Github | Apache Gluten is a middle layer responsible for offloading JV…​ — Updated: 04/19/2024



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