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Apache Derby: Logo Contest

Contest Results

The vote closed at noon PST on Dec 7, 2005, and Roger Dudler's entries won:

Thanks to everyone for participating!

Contest Rules

The contest is now over. This section left for historical reasons.

Derby needs a logo! This contest is open to anyone in the Derby community who would like to submit an image for the Apache Derby logo. The contest was kicked off on May 3, 2005. Please participate in the creation of rules on the derby-user@db.apache.org mail list.


The contest is now over. This section left for historical reasons.

Please attach logo entries to Jira issue DERBY-297. Anyone can upload a logo to this Jira issue. You do need a Jira id, which you can sign up for at http://issues.apache.org/jira/.

When you upload attachments to Jira, you have two options:

  • Grant license to ASF for inclusion in ASF works (as per the Apache Software License)
  • Attachment not intended for inclusion

The only logos that will be considered are those for which the license has been granted to the ASF. But only grant the license to the ASF if you are entitled to do so. Don't include any elements to which you don't have rights or permission.

Last updated: December 7, 2005