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Example of Moving a Log Manually

Example of Moving a Log Manually

If you later want to move the log to g:/bigdisk/tourslog, move the log with operating system commands:

move h:\janets\tourslog\log\*.* g:\bigdisk\tourslog\log

and alter the logDevice entry in service.properties to read as follows:

You can use either a single forward slash or double back slashes for a path separator.

If you later want to move the log back to its default location (in this case, d:\mydatabases\toursDB\log), move the log manually as follows:

move g:\bigdisk\tourslog\log\*.* d:\mydatabases\toursDB\log

and delete the logDevice entry from service.properties.

This example uses commands specific to the Windows NT operating system. Use commands appropriate to your operating system to copy a directory and all contents to a new location.

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